Notes on "Ruby Under A Microscope" and more: Intro. & Tokenization

May 17, 2020
8 min read

I've spent a good part of the past two years working on JavaScript-heavy codebases on the client-side of commercial applications and hobbyist projects but about eight months ago, I had made a rather smooth transition to server-side engineering. I currently work nearly entirely with the Ruby on Rails web framework (occasionally with Sinatra) which pushed me into learning its technicalities at greater depth. However, what I had observed was that my learning was more in the style of "first Rails, then Ruby". Interestingly, I had realized that I wasn't the only one. The page itself says, "Much of the growth is attributed to the popularity of software written in Ruby, particularly the Ruby on Rails web framework."

With the Ruby without Rails movement gaining momentum lately, I've been intrigued not only by the possibilities of using Ruby to build web applications without Rails but also by the nuances of Ruby's internals. This curiosity lead me to find "Ruby Under A Microscope" by Pat Shaughnessy and attempt to study it. I hope to serialize my study notes as posts covering sizable chunks of content from the book every week. These posts will not just be summarized versions of chapters but rather documented experiences of my poking around parts of the Ruby Language's source (available on GitHub) and trying to make sense of it.

Flavors of Ruby

While Ruby, in its official distribution today, uses YARV (for ruby versions < 1.9), Ruby does have implementations that utilize other compiler backends:

  • JRuby is Ruby atop the JVM (Java Virtual Machine), utilizing the JVM’s optimizing JIT compilers, garbage collectors, concurrent threads, tool ecosystem, and vast collection of libraries.
  • Rubinius is ‘Ruby written in Ruby’. Built on top of LLVM, Rubinius sports a nifty virtual machine that other languages are - being built on top of, too.
  • TruffleRuby is a high performance Ruby implementation on top of GraalVM.
  • mruby is a lightweight implementation of the Ruby language that can be linked and embedded within an application. Its development is led by Ruby’s creator Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto.
  • IronRuby is an implementation “tightly integrated with the .NET Framework”.
  • MagLev is “a fast, stable, Ruby implementation with integrated object persistence and distributed shared cache”.
  • Cardinal is a “Ruby compiler for Parrot Virtual Machine” (Perl 6).

Ruby Implementations : A Little Bit of History

MRI (Matz's Ruby Interpreter), which was also known as CRuby and named after Ruby's creator Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto, was the de facto reference implementation of the Ruby Programming Language until Ruby 1.9 when the attempt to create a specification (RubySpec) failed. MRI was a pure interpreter which in simple terms: ingested Ruby code; tokenized; created an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), as a consequence of parsing and then executed Ruby's C code.

Digressing to the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which cannot go unmentioned when talking of MRI because of its criticism for the way concurrency was handled in a time when multi-core processors and implementations of true multi-threading became a necessity. But I'd suppose concurrency in Ruby would require a post of its own.

The book has a focus primarily on this implementation of Ruby while Chapter 3 on compilation gets into the details of YARV / RubyVM which is the official distribution of Ruby today.

The RubySpec project

The official ruby/spec is a test suite for the behavior of the Ruby programming language. As stated on its official GitHub page, it is not ISO standardized and does not seek standardization of that kind but instead just is a practical tool to test the behaviour of Ruby with code. These tests are written in the style of RSpec 2 but are run with MSpec and describe - language syntax, core library, the standard library, the C API for extensions and the command line flags. The RubySpec tests were initially created in 2006 for the Rubinius project.


A standard Ruby program (ruby version > 1.9) would undergo three transforms before it is run:

  1. Tokenization --> Tokens
  2. Parsing --> Abstract Synatax Tree nodes
  3. Compilation --> YARV instructions

Clearly, this excludes the transforms taking place after YARV instructions are generated.

Tokenization, simply takes the Ruby code of a .rb file and converts it into a series of tokens ie. words from the Ruby programming language that it understands and identifiers, by iterating through characters. In fact, Ruby's C source, loops through each character and processes it based on what it is. Although it might seem that three steps listed earlier are sequential, tokenization and parsing happen at the same time; the parsing engine calls the tokenizer to retrieve tokens.

Consider the first line of the given snippet --

50.times do |n| puts "bitwise ${n}" end

As it iteratively loops through 5, it realizes that it's at the start of a number and continues over to the 0 until it encounters its first non-numeric character. It then sees a . which actually is a numeric character, given that it could be part of a floating-point value. When it encounters t, a non-numeric character, it backtracks to the . and converts the 50 it saw into a token of type tINTEGER. It continues this process sequentially through the line, converting times to a token - tIDENTIFIER, do to a token - keyword_do, n to a token tIDENTIFIER. In a similar way, the entire script which is a character stream yields a token stream.


It is presumed that the distinctions between keywords, reserved words and identifiers are understood by the reader. Internally, Ruby's C source maintains a table of these reserved words.

A list of Ruby's keywords are defined at defs/keywords.

Grammars, Rules and the Significance of parser.y

The parser.y file is a grammar rule file which contains the rules for the Ruby parser engine. This file is massive (13,315 LOC) and if you're familiar with C programming, you'd know it ought to have pointers and structs flying around all over. Considering our interest in tokenization specifically, the parser_yylex function should be within our purview (starts at line 8,888 as of 17th May 2020).

The function prototype:

static enum yytokentype parser_yylex(struct parser_params *p);

Observe the switch statement

retry: last_state = p->lex.state; #ifndef RIPPER token_flush(p); #endif switch (c = nextc(p)) { /* contains cases for characters that may be encountered while iterating through the character stream while jumping to the 'retry' label everytime a whitespace character is encountered */ ... }

The nextc() calls, as you would expect, return the next character in the stream.

Another detail quoted straight from the book --

Ruby doesn’t use the Lex tokenization tool that C programmers commonly use in conjunction with a parser generator like Yacc or Bison . Instead, the Ruby core team wrote the Ruby tokenization code by hand, whether for performance reasons or because Ruby’s tokenization rules required special logic that Lex couldn’t provide.

Tokenizing with Ripper

It is quite a simple task to see tokenization in action. All that needs to be done is to require the Ripper class and pass to its lex() method a string containing the code as an argument.

require 'ripper' require 'pp' source = <<STR 50.times do |n| puts "bitwise ${n}" end STR pp Ripper.lex(source)

The tokenized output --

[[[1, 0], :on_sp, "\t", EXPR_BEG], [[1, 1], :on_int, "50", EXPR_END], [[1, 3], :on_period, ".", EXPR_DOT], [[1, 4], :on_ident, "times", EXPR_ARG], [[1, 9], :on_sp, " ", EXPR_ARG], [[1, 10], :on_kw, "do", EXPR_BEG], [[1, 12], :on_sp, " ", EXPR_BEG], [[1, 13], :on_op, "|", EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL], [[1, 14], :on_ident, "n", EXPR_ARG], [[1, 15], :on_op, "|", EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL], [[1, 16], :on_ignored_nl, "\n", EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL], [[2, 0], :on_sp, "\t\t", EXPR_BEG|EXPR_LABEL], [[2, 2], :on_ident, "puts", EXPR_CMDARG], [[2, 6], :on_sp, " ", EXPR_CMDARG], [[2, 7], :on_tstring_beg, "\"", EXPR_CMDARG], [[2, 8], :on_tstring_content, "bitwise ${n}", EXPR_CMDARG], [[2, 20], :on_tstring_end, "\"", EXPR_END], [[2, 21], :on_nl, "\n", EXPR_BEG], [[3, 0], :on_sp, "\t", EXPR_BEG], [[3, 1], :on_kw, "end", EXPR_END], [[3, 4], :on_nl, "\n", EXPR_BEG]]

Each element in the output array consists of an array with 4 elements:

  1. [line_number, text_column_number]
  2. :the_token_type as a Ruby Symbol eg: :on_nl, :on_kw
  3. The character(s) corresponding to the token eg: "\n", "end"
  4. The state of the tokenizer as it iterates eg: EXPR_BEG, EXPR_CMDARG (defined in the Ripper Class)

Some key aspects of tokenization:

  • Lookahead is utilized to ensure a distinction, for instance, between <, less than operator and <<, the shovel operator

  • Tokenization DOES NOT detect syntax errors; that is a responsibility of the parser.

Read more about Ripper.

Stay tuned for the next post which will entail the details of Parsing.

Buy "Ruby Under a Microscope" on Amazon!


  1. Shaughnessy, P., n.d. Ruby Under A Microscope.

  2. 2020. About Ruby. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2020].

  3. GitHub. 2020. Ruby/Spec. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2020].

  4. GitHub. 2020. The Ruby Programming Language. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2020].

  5. 2020. Class: Ripper (Ruby 2.6.3). [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2020].